Accident Prevention

How can SG World help prevent Accidents and Incidents in your workplace?

If you're a Health and Safety professional you have a lot of challenges. Ultimately you are responsible for getting people home safely at the end of the day and this means engaging the workforce. SG World's health and safety solutions are all about integrating best practice processes into everyday routines. Whether that's a pre-use safety inspection, permit to work, lock-out tag-out or key control system, our paper and software based solutions give staff a set of practical steps to follow and an auditable safety record.

In addition to our off-the-shelf range, SG World have in-house expertise in design, print and software development, so if you have a special health and safety challenge, we have the experience and resources in place to quickly transform an idea to a practical solution.


    Accident Reporting and Investigating Book

    The Accident Reporting & Investigation Book allows organisations to keep accurate records of every accident within their organisation.

    The A3 book consists of 25 three-part accident reporting forms. Each form is divided into two sections; the accident report and the accident investigation. All accident details can be recorded on the report form and, as per Health & Safety best practice, an investigation can take place as to the cause of the accident and the details recorded on the investigation form.

    One copy of the form can be given to the injured party, one kept in the employee record and one kept by the Health & Safety Manager.

  • Near Miss / Risk Observation Report

    Near Miss / Risk Observation Report

    The Near Miss Report Pad allows an organisation to record all incidents occurring that didn't result in an accident but had the potential to do so.

    Identification of near misses allows an organisation to review their health and safety provision and put controls in place to stop the incidents occurring again and potentially becoming accidents.

    Each near-miss report pad contains 60 pages and is designed to fit easily into an employee's pocket.

    The report is easy to complete and captures details such as the name of the individual concerned, location, time etc and what the near-miss was.

    This report can then be removed from the pad and passed to an authorised person for action.

  • Point Of Use Risk Assessment Pad

    Point Of Use Risk Assessment Pad

    The Point of Use Risk Assessment PAD enables organisations to conduct risk assessments for the many small, one-off or infrequent jobs that are undertaken on site e.g. maintenance tasks. Due to their nature, these assessments are often not covered by an existing, traditional risk assessment and organisations can leave themselves liable by not assessing them.

    Each point of use risk assessment pad contains 30 duplicate risk assessments.

    The risk assessment is completed before work begins to identify risks that are present and any existing or necessary controls.

    The assessment is signed by every employee undertaking the task to ensure that everybody is aware of the risks.

    The top copy of the assessment is removed from the pad and passed to an authorised employee whilst the duplicate remains in the pad for future reference.